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The Warren County Retired School Personnel (WCRSP) is a division of the North Carolina Retired School Personnel (NCRSP), the North Carolina Association of Education (NCAE) and Region 5 (Warren, Durham, Wake, Granville, Franklin and Vance counties). Our members represent retired school system employees, both certified and non-certified.

From Our President


Welcome to the Warren County Retired School Personnel (WCRSP) website! Browse and learn more about our organization.


Our monthly meetings provide information to help members stay informed regarding issues that impact retirees. December and May is a time that we fellowship with each other. It is also a time to invite potential members to join us.  WCRSP has several projects which afford members an opportunity to volunteer and support our local schools. We offer a scholarship to a graduating senior attending Warren County High School, adopt a local school for the year, donate school supplies, and we collect nonperishable food items for families at Christmas.  


Please consider becoming a member. 

Contact Oney Jones, Membership Chair, at or Elvelon W. Mason at


Elvelon W. Mason
Warren County Retired School Personnel President

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Our Programs

Members have the opportunity to stay engaged with colleagues through our activities and by attending region and state conventions and workshops. 

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